Why I chose the name ‘Hullo’ for my agency
And why it doesn’t matter
It has all the brand strategy I need in this simple word.
As what is communication If it isn't begun with a greeting.
The nice thing for me, about Hullo, is; the way my wife says Hello when she is happy.
Its a deep purr from the back of the mouth.
Somewhere near the soul.
That works really well for me.
Other than being an excellent greeting device
Hullo is, in essence, an identity
And spelling wise it means absolutely nothing.
But that’s just it.
A small blueprint of a personal brand.
A digital thumbprint.
Its pitch and tone of voice give a clear indication of the kind of interaction that's going to happen.
So a hullo with a soft tone, and a rounded tone is a welcoming first gesture of communication
So although hullo doesn't indicate what the business does, those tricky algorithms that Google has will find the meaning in the ‘content’ of your site and of your brand.
And yes I know its the wrong spelling. But honestly hello is so super taken in every form you can imagine.
So what do you do?
Use your imagination.
A name is just a name.
Like Sam, and Tim, Frank and Oliver and Jane.
Until you give them meaning they have none.
You just dress it up in different clothes.
And like a stranger you recognise.
When it passes you by, although you may never have met them.
You feel you know them.
And in fact in that way you do.
That’s a brand.
like you.
‘What you do defines you, and your business, not your name’